What’s New

Rabbi Dayle is currently serving as Interim Rabbi at Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir~Heart of the City in Philadelphia. Upcoming wShabbat services will be on 4/17, 5/8, and 6/12. www.leyvhair.org 

Of Note

Watch Miriam’s Well, a healing service led by Rabbi Dayle and Rabbi Micah Becker-Klein on April 1, 2020.

Read an interview with Rabbi Dayle on My Jewish Learning.

Read Rabbi Dayle’s essay, “Embracing Reality: Spiritually Preparing for Living with Dementia,” in CCAR Journal: Reform Jewish Quarterly, Fall, 2019.

Watch Rabbi Dayle’s presentations in the Veterans’ Affairs Department’s Upstream Suicide Prevention project.

Rabbi Dayle presented a May, 2019 webinar on Spiritually Preparing for Living with Dementia, sponsored by Sage-ing International, Click here to view a recording.