Spiritual Accompaniment: Pastoral Care for Frailty and Dementia

“I will be with you.” –Exodus 3:12

Why pastoral care?

Living with frailty or dementia, whether your own or your dear one’s, can present profound existential challenges. You may wonder what life means now, what the future will bring, and how you will find the strength to face it.

How I can help

Through pastoral care, I will accompany you as you make this journey, to help you to connect to your sources of strength, hope and resilience even as you experience fear, anger and confusion.

How does it work?

I offer pastoral care to people from all faith backgrounds in my West Mt. Airy office, by video chat, or home visit. Together we will develop an agreement about how often and how many times to meet together.

To learn more, call 215 266 3647 or contact me.

Click here to download tips for accompanying people with dementia.

I have been a spiritual caregiver for over thirty years. I have walked the dementia path as both a family member and as a professional, companioning thousands of elders and their families. I have experienced both pain and joy along the way, and I have seen a broad range of responses to dementia.