Spiritual Direction for Growing Older

As a spiritual director, I support individuals or groups as they reach for inspiration and grounding amid the challenges of life’s second half. I accompany the people with whom I work as they find their own sources of meaning, solace and sustenance.

Why spiritual direction?

Confronting change, limits and loss calls us to question life’s meaning, our own values, and our spiritual life. Spiritual direction offers a context for reflection and connection as you contend with retirement, transition, illness, caregiving or loss.

What is spiritual direction?

I am companion, witness and supporter as you seek to gain awareness and bring it to your daily life and spiritual practice. The guidance you find may come from deep within you, or from your tradition and/or your connection to God, or your experience of the spiritual. To learn more about Jewish spiritual direction, watch this video.

How does spiritual direction work?

Typically, we meet monthly – in person, by phone or video chat. Sessions usually include guided meditative time, and conversation. You have a chance to reflect on your life, and to gain connection to your sense of purpose and meaning. This is not a problem-solving modality, rather, I will help you to consider how you can bring the awareness you gain into your day-to-day living.

To explore the possibility of working together in spiritual direction, please contact me.

What I bring

I have accompanied thousands of individuals and families on the journey of aging as a rabbi, chaplain and spiritual director. In addition to rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), I hold Master’s degrees in Social Work from the University of Southern California, and in Jewish Communal Service from HUC-JIR. I am certified as a chaplain by Neshama Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC); I completed training in Jewish Spiritual Direction with Yedidya Center’s Morei Derekh Program, for which I now serve on the adjunct faculty.

To explore the possibility of working together in spiritual direction, please contact me.

photo of old age is not for sissies embroidery

Mary, a feisty 94 year-old woman, gave me this needlepoint. When I see it above my desk I think of her, and the grit that growing older requires.