Teaching and Training

I would be honored to teach your community, congregational or professional group on spirituality and aging, lifespan spirituality, ethics or pastoral care. I am equally comfortable in addressing lay audiences, delivering formal lectures, and in training professionals through engaging, participatory, hands-on workshops and conferences.

Keynote Addresses, Lectures, Scholar-In-Residence Programs

I bring passion and humanity to teaching professionals, congregations and community organizations. As I speak, I draw on my rich experience in accompanying individuals and families in later life. I blend inspiration from the wisdom of Jewish tradition with cutting-edge professional perspectives to frame engaging and empowering presentations. I always tailor a presentation to its context; I will learn from you about your community and event, and design a presentation to achieve your objectives.

Training for Clergy, Chaplains and Professionals on Spiritual Dimensions of Later Life

As a seasoned trainer, rabbi and chaplain, I can help you or your organization gain the skills to foster wholeness by addressing the spiritual dimension of later life. I love crafting dynamic, interactive workshops and conferences for clergy, pastoral care, human service and healthcare professionals. I will happily work with you to design a learning experience to meet your group’s unique context and goals.

Selected presentation topics

  • Grit and grace beyond midlife. Click here for audio clip.
  • Dementia: wholeness amid brokenness
  • Tough decisions at the edge of life. Read more.
  • Thinking ahead: advance care planning
  • Life Story Midrash: an interactive, healing experience
  • Forging congregations for all ages
  • Fostering resilience for healthcare professionals
  • The holy art of blessing

Selected recent venues

Aging services

  • 6th International Conference on Aging and Spirituality, Los Angeles, CA
  • Meadowood Senior Living, Worcester, PA
  • Hebrew Senior Life, Boston, MA
  • Phoebe Institute on Aging, Phoebe Ministries. Allentown, PA.
  • Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors, Montreal, CA
  • Miami Jewish Health Systems
  • Alzheimer’s Association, New York City, Montreal, Philadelphia
  • Jewish Home for the Aged, Los Angeles, CA

Adult learning

  • The Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY
  • 92 Y, New York City
  • JCC Manhattan, New York, NYLIMMUD, Coventry, UK, Philadelphia, PA
  • WHYY (NPR affiliate), Philadelphia, PA


  • Tiferet Bet Israel, Blue Bell, PA
  • Beth Evergreen, Evergreen, Colorado
  • Congregation Beth El, Berkeley, CA
  • Kane Street Synagogue, Brooklyn, NY
  • Temple Aliyah, Needham, MA
  • Congregation Beit Simchat Torah,  New York, NY
  • Temple Emanuel, Westfield, NJ
  • Congregation Dorshei Emet, Montereal, Canada
  • Congregation Beth Israel, Charlottesville, VA


  • Brite Divinity School, Ft. Worth, TX
  • Joint Israeli-North American Spiritual Care Conference, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Spiritual Directors International Conference
  • Central Conference of American Rabbis Convention
  • Medical Mission Sisters, Philadelphia, PA
  • Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia

Academic institutions

  • Duke University Institute on Care at the End of Life
  • Mt. Sinai School of Medicine division of geriatrics and palliative care
  • Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies, Baltimore, MD
  • Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles, CA and Jerusalem, Israel
  • Society for Spirituality, Health and Theology
  • Academic Coalition for Jewish Bioethics

Contact Rabbi Dayle to arrange her visit to your community.