Songs + Prayers

The songs and prayers here are my offerings to you. Please enjoy, and feel free to share (with attribution).

Biyado Afkid Ruchi-In Your Kind Care, Words: Adon Olam (Siddur). Translation and melody: Dayle Friedman. Accompaniment: Peter Simpkins

Adonai Ori V’yishi-You Are My Light-a selection from Psalm 27, the penitential psalm for the High Holy Day season.

Lovingkindness meditationhesed berachot (with original Hebrew words and melody by Dayle Friedman; vocals: Dayle Friedman)

Sim Shalom, a prayer for peace for Israel and all the world (words from morning service; music and vocals: Dayle Friedman; keyboard: Peter Simpkins)

A Blessing for Growing Older (lyrics, music and vocals: Dayle Friedman; keyboard: Peter Simpkins)

B’raav zantanu—You feed and sustain us (words from Shabbat morning service; melody and vocals: Dayle Friedman)

May We Grow Fruitful as We Age  (words-Psalm 92; music and vocals: Dayle Friedman; keyboard: Peter Simpkins)

A Prayer of Gratitude: Modah/eh Ani (words-daily Siddur; music and vocals: Dayle Friedman; keyboard: Peter Simpkins)